Today I was a bit naughty... I sneaked up the stairs and sat in front of the window watching outside. Then my servants came up and they went to the bathroom to brush their teeth. But they took me with them...! I don't like that room because there is a place with a lot of water. I kind of hate it...
So the whole 2 minutes they were brushing their teeth I was meowing. As you may see on the picture, I was a bit restless.
Then we went downstairs and 2 of the 3 minis were allowed to walk freely. I tried several times to grab some of their food but the servants wouldn't let me.

In the afternoon the black mini was really busy and I went to hide in a box. I hid really well but Spidey found me... Luckily for me the minis are asleep now so I can roam the room free of them.
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