Gone and back
Today I cought a mouse. Not just a normal one but a hyper modern one. The female servant kept taking it from me though. She was playing some kind of game, I think.
She had me posing with te mouse because I was so proud of it. Don't I look proud?
I was also a nagging a lot. The old minis went to their forever home and therefore my female servant cleaned a lot of stuf in the house. She is saying that there will be new minis at the end of the day. In some way I miss the old ones. They were nice to play with. And they had nice food. But I also am glad they are gone now. Now I can relax without some mini trying to grab my tail.

Late in the afternoon the new minis arrived. These are 2 boys and 1 girl. The girl is really scared and the red boy is hissing and growling a lot at us. He is also ill on his eyes. The female servant needs to put cream on them.
The black one already is allowed to walk through the room. He is as active as the 3 old ones were together... My chill mode needs to be switched of again I guess.
I think the black one won't stay that long. He is so wel adjusted alreaddy. Maybe he will be here for only one or two weeks.
The red one needs to get better first. He is the oldest but he cant move to a forever home if his eyes are still'like this. I am wondering if he even sees trough both of them...
Time to climb high up in my scratching post and try to get some sleep. Goodnight!
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