Today is a rainy day. But that won't stop me from being me! By the time I am writing this (10 in the mornig) I'v already had some fun with Jip (one of the new minis) and a box. The minis Jip and Hummer are quit hyperactive and I love it! It makes it more fun to hunt them and we can frolic a lot!
The morning started with overthinking my sins from the night. But I couldn't think of much because I had been sweet like an angel.
So soon enough I could start playing with my new mini buddies. But when my servants went upstairs I missed them. So after less then 10 minutes I started calling out for them. I also started scratching the door... They don't like this so they come down.

When the female servant was downstairs I had a good conversation with her because she should never leave me alone ever again. She didn't promise it because she needs to sleep upstairs and go outside every now and then.... But she can sleep on the couch so she doesn't have to go upstairs to do that.

We have a box in the living room where I can hide in. Today it was turned up-side-down. This was a lot of fun because there was a small hole in there where I could fit my head in.
In the afternoon my female servant got another box and this box had a door. But it was in the box that was also interesting. I will tell you more about it tomorrow.
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