Today the male servant had a new decoration item for us. He printed an Oddish in which we can put cat grass. Normally the cat grass is placed on a ugly tray but now it is really stylish. I think he should be selling these pots. I do love cat grass. It is so fun to eat. The female keeps buying it even though I always trow up after I ate it an the mini's always love to climb in it and ruin the bush.
My brother Spidey was real hyper active this morning. He was running trough the whole room and he kept waking me up when I was sleeping. I didn't like that because I had to get me beauty sleep. How else do you think that I look this fantastic... Luckily for my he stopped running somewhere in the afternoon and I could try to sleep those hours I had missed.
What do you do to keep your beauty? I groom myself a lot and I sleep a lot.

The female servant bought us a new cat grass because that looked better in the Oddish. When she came home she put it in and than took it upstairs! I really don't know why she did this but I don't like it. She should have left it in the living room. Luckily after a few minutes she came back and had it with her. But then she put it on the scratching post. That is not where it needs to be. And she didn't let me eat it. She even pushed me away from it. (She said she was taking photo's)
After a few minutes of trying she finally noticed that it was better to place it on the ground. But when I wanted to take a bite from it the mini's were climbing in it and using it as a playground. So the human took it away again. In the end she put it on the windowsill where me and my brother van come but the mini's don't know how to get there yet. Yes! Finally I can enjoy it!
The rest of the day the mini's were quite calm. They had got their first vaccination and that always results in quiet and sleeping mini's. I remember it from my first. It was quite a trip. First the female puts you in a carrier and then we take a 20 minute drive to a vet. There the check if you are healthy and growing well and then they chip you and vaccinate you. Then it is the whole 20 minute drive back home and the rest of the day is relaxing because of all the new impressions.
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Wat een superleuk plantje is dat! Mooi dat groen dat contrasteert met de blauwe pot.
plantjes doen het altijd goed en deze ziet er grappig uit
Super leuk verhaal! Ik hou zo van katten! 😻
super leuk! En je plantje is fantastisch! mooi zo met die pot. Lekker colorblocking.
Erg leuk om te lezen. Wat een super leuk planten potje! Katten zijn geweldig, heb er zelf 5 in huis.
Wat een superleuk plantje
Wat heb je een heerlijke manier van schrijven. De blauwe pot ziet er super leuk uit.