June 14th 2020

Published on 14 June 2020 at 20:24

Yesterday evening after posting my blog, something scary happend. There was a lot of noise outside and a really strong smell. Not long after that a red truck with blue flashing lights stopped in front of our house. Our servants were all surprised about what was happening and the female ran outside to watch and see if she could help.

Turns out, a shed in our street was burning real bright. The flames were coming out of it and were a few meters high. The female took a photo of it while I was hiding with Spidey and one of the mini's under the couch.

After a while I was brave enough to watch for some time in front of the window. We couldn't see the flames but the lights of the truck were so flashy... I saw them even in the back window of our house. That was weird. Of course last night I didn't sleep much. But that is something for all the nights. I like to sleep during the day. I think the female couldn't sleep either because she was downstairs a long time when the male was gone up already.

The rest of today was weird because the male was downstairs as well. So I was meowing a lot because he had to go upstairs. The female brought me a bag but I didn't show much interest in that.

The rest of the day was as any other day. I was being my lazy self and it wasn't till the evening that I started to be active again.


Have a nice rest of your day!

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5 years ago

(By the way I understand you, I also like to sleep during the day.)

Melanie Hoogvliet
5 years ago

Ohjeetje is dat even schrikken als die brandweer zomaar door je straat heen komt. Ik heb zelf een keer brand gehad en dat is echt geen pretje.

5 years ago

Heftig dat er iets in de fik stond!

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