Last night the female was downstairs for a long time. I loved it because I could snuggle up with her. This is what I did for a while before going to my own basket.
At 3 in the night I started running around and playing in the tube. My female servant woke up from this and after hushing me a few times she decided to go upstairs. There she was until 8:20 this morning! I had to miss her so much.
Just when i finally was able to get some nice hugs from the female a man showed up at our door. This wasn't just a man... It was a big guy. He came to visit our male servant and when he came in I went to hide underneath the table. He was so big that he wouldn't see me hiding. I think that was a real smart move from me. The big guy and male servant went outside so after a few minutes i was able to come out of my hiding spot ^^.

Today was a day with a lot of visitors. Not only the big guy came by, but also the nice lady en catmoms mommy. The nice lady comes once a week. She always speaks with the female servant and has nice things on her bread. She always is here around lunchtime so that's how I know. She never gives me some of her bread though...
In the evening the sky turned very dark and that was a huge light show. Spidey got real scared but I just layed in my basket. The minis were real busy because of the storm.
The female said she has something nice for me tomorrow... I can't wait. Really don't know what it is but she thinks I like it a lot.... I'll share pictures on Instagram.
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