Cats are peculiar animals. They have a mind of their own and sometimes change in behavior. That is also a big part of what makes us so much fun. I will share some cat facts with you. How many of them do you know? After some of the facts I will tell you something about my life
Did you know...
... it is better not to give ordinary milk to cats? They can get diarrhea because of this. You can buy catmilk in a lot of stores. This is better for them but don't give them to much.
... red cats are usually males? Once we had a red foster who was a female, catmom named her Misty
... male cats also have nipples?
... cats don't like it when their food and drinks are together? Also, don't place our food or drinks next to the litterbox. You wouldn't want to eat where you pee, do you?
... cats have a total of 18 toes? 4 per rear leg and 5 per front leg. Our female servant likes to clip the nais from our front toes. They get real sharp.
... cats cannot properly taste the difference between sweet and salt? Most cats can't even taste sweetness.
... whiskers are some kind of antennae? With this, a cat determines whether he can go through something. Although I am stubborn and like to try with my whole body anyway

... cats love to sleep? They do this about 70% of the day. And at night they get active.
... a female can get pregnant of several males at the same time? That is why kittens from 1 litter can look so different. Like me and my brothers. Spidey(and Sherlock) are both white with stripes and spots of black/Brown. And I am grey. But if you look closely you can spot some stripes in my tale.
... a cat's tongue has brackets? These are the taste buds, and they are useful for washing. Except for the hairs they gather... hairball!
... cats can run 50 km / h? With the emphasis on can, we may have the ability but we hardly ever do this.
... calico cats are usually female?
... adult cats don't actually meow at each other? They do this purely for their humans.
... cats have 4 pairs of whiskers? The top 2 can move separately from the bottom 2.

... cats don't wiggle their tail because they like something? It is often quite the opposite.
... people who are afraid of cats suffer from Ailurophobia? But I don't get it. How can you be afraid of me and other cats..
... cats can promote human healing? Frequencies from 20 to 50 Hertz help speed up the healing process. The purring of cats causes vibrations from 20 to 140 Hertz.
... cats twitter when they see a bird, butterfly or flying insect? They do this out of pure excitement.
... letting your cat run free outdoors is in violation of European rules. All cats in the Netherlands are responsible for 140 million dead birds annually.
... black cats are no sing of bad luck? Many people still have this as superstition. But in parts of Germany, Ireland and England, it is believed that they are a sign of prosperity.
Do you have a nice cat fact? Then share it below in the comments. Then I will take it to part 2 of this blog.
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Interesting facts! I’m not a cat lady at all, but I learned something today so that’s nice!
Oh dit gaat mijn dochtertje geweldig vinden!