Today the minis are taking over the whole living room. This is due to the fact that they escaped from the playpen yesterday. I won't like what is happening because one of them is chasing me for my tale and the others are running around a lot.
Believe me, I've tried hiding under the chairs but it didn't work. And they are able to climb up the Scratching post so I am not save there either. What to do, what to do...
Spidey keeps following them and is constantly watching their every move. He is such a good caretaker. I only wish for the minis to grow a lot more. then I can play with them. Now when I play with them they start screaming and the female makes me stop.

I also got a new toy yesterday. It is a mouse! I was stealing the mice from the mini's and my female servant didn't like that. That is why she bought me a nice big mouse.
Last night I kept my owners awake hunting the mouse and this morning I showed them how much I like it. Do you like it as much as I do?
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Ik kan me voorstellen dat samen spelen het allerleukste is. Fijn ook dat de katten het goed met elkaar kunnen hebben.
Niet zo leuk dat je er zelf wakker van hebt gelegen
wat een knappert :D wij hebben 4 katten gehad en toch mis het nog wel eens maar durf er niet weer aan te beginnen ;)
Wat leuk geschreven. Herken veel dingen van m’n eigen kat 😺
Wat heerlijk. Ondanks dat ik meer een hondenmens ben, vind ik wel leuk om te lezen.
Leuk blog! Veel plezier met je nieuwe speeltje ;)